November 6, 2006 | Filed under: Movie Making
Xav just finished part 1 of the F**king with Jimmy series. Jimmy is trying to get some kip when someone tries to put a hammer through his head.
October 23, 2006 | Filed under: Movie Making
Earlier this year my film production company, Flickbook Pictures, filmed its first movie and now the edit is coming togther. Here are some excerpts to give you a taste. Let me know what you think. Watch this space for the trailer.
June 6, 2006 | Filed under: Movie Making
The first Flickbook Pictures movie is in the can. Here is a still from “Mine”:
April 7, 2006 | Filed under: Movie Making
For 10 years I was a professional artist. For the past 4 years I have made Kazaa. During this time Kazaa and me have been accused of being ‘anti-artist’ but my mission has always been to make new opportunities for artists through technology.
Now I am setting up a film production company called ‘Flickbook Pictures’ and it is fascinating.
The difficult thing about the entertainment distribution business is that it was designed at a time when it was logistically complex and expensive to distribute globally. It meant that it was smart to divide up the world into different separate territories so that specialists in each territory could distribute the product. This concept echoes through to the ownership rights. Because of this, the entertainment world is implicitely resistant to the net.
Cannes refuses submissions that have been released on the net. Its hard to get a TV deal or a theatre distribution deal if the product has been globally released onto the net. While the system works well in the days before broadband internet, it is fundamentally broken for today and tommorrow.
So there seems to be a choice for a new film. 1) Try to get it into the old system (tried and tested) but surrender to the luck lotery or 2) Dive into the new system but risk not ‘making it big’. Absurdly, it seems impossible to try both.
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